How it works
Get your favourite food in 4 simple steps
Find all restaurants available near you
Browse hundreds of menus to find the food you like
Its quick, secure and easy
Food is prepared & delivered to your door
Ratings and reviews: Submits ratings and reviews of BestFoodToday, giving you access to local insights that you can trust.
Push notifications: Stay up to date with real-time order updates.
Easy to search for restaurant
Filter restaurant by cuisine or by services
Auto detects location address
Multiple addons for food item
Multiple size and price for food item
Ingredients selections for food item
Cooking reference
Real time order status
Book a table
Easy booking table
Receive updates on your booking status
Earn & Redeem Points
Earn points by purchasing food item
Earn points and convert to discount
Earn points by account signup
Earn points by adding a review on restaurant
Earn points at your first order